Mortgage Calculator
This utility will help you calculate how much more you might have to pay for your mortgage when your fixed-term deal ends. Calculations are based on annual interest and the values shown below may differ slightly from your actual repayments (most banks calculate interest daily) but they should be a good approximation. The results assume you have made only the minimum payment each month and do not take account of any over-payments.
Result #
During the initial fixed-rate term of years with an APR of %, your monthly repayments will be £.
At the end of the fixed-rate term, you will owe £.
For the remaining years of the mortgage with an APR of %, your monthly payments will be £.
When your fixed-rate mortgage ends, you will be paying £ more each month.
Disclaimer: This site does not give financial advice: we recommend you contact an independent financial advisor before taking out a financial product.
Privacy: This calculator runs in your web browser and none of the information you enter is transmitted to our servers.